Friday, August 24, 2012

Vanilla Pudding Paint

In the past we have done finger painting with pudding-putting chocolate pudding on a cookie sheet tray and drawing pictures and shapes with our fingers-but this was a fun twist on the idea. Using just one cup of pre made vanilla pudding I divided it into six muffin tin cups. Next we added gel food coloring and mixed it in. And it was that simple. Big Sister had fun painting and eating it at the same time (don't worry we used a brand new paint brush). We let our paintings dry over night by which point they were no longer sticky. As an added bonus the paintings smelled wonderful for about a week.

Party Planning

My little boy turned one today. Its amazing to look at pictures of him from a year ago and see how much he has grown, learned and changed.
Yesterday we threw him a little party at the beach. It was a fun day filled with to much food, lots of cake and fun in the sun. I had so much fun planning what food to make and got to try out two new recipes. Lasagna cupcakes and meatball sliders. Both turned out delicious. As well as a cute fish shaped cake.

And the very yummy lasagna cupcake cups

Giant Box Fort

I have become lazy with blogging. One TMI post and then I don't post again for over a year and a half. In that time we have moved to another state and had many more adventures. I am now working part time and taking care of the kids. Lately we have been doing crafty art projects like crazy since Big Sister loves doing them. So I thought as a way to catch up I will share some of the projects we have been doing.

We recently got some really big boxes. And I mean really BIG! A few adults could lay down inside one of these monsters. They made the perfect fort for the kids. While the kids and I were out of town R cut out doors and windows and pushed the boxes together. He even added a tunnel between the two boxes but that didn't last long as the kids keep sitting on it. The kids had a blast painting both the inside and outside of the fort and inviting friends over to see it. Sadly after enjoying it for a few months it finally rained and the roof collapsed. It sure was fun while it lasted.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome to my world

No one would ever call motherhood a glamorous job. Yet its never boring.
I have decided to keep a blog on my journey of motherhood to two wonderful children. As any mommy knows days are filled with the cute, funny, gross and sometimes scary events, I wanted to record them all.
I am currently a stay at home mom to a wonderful 3 year old daughter and a 6 month old son who is equally as amazing. When I was younger I never wanted to have children. I never was one to babysit or even interact well with young kids. It wasn't until I started dating my husband that I ever thought that having kids would be fun and I don't think I even used that word, doable would be more like it. He brought out the fantasy of a cute little house with a white picket fence and kids and dogs running around.
So here I am. Home caring for the most wonderful people in my life, and loving almost every minute, although there are the exceptions. Yesterday was an exception.
My daughter has had ongoing constipation issues. Her former pediatrician just chalked it up to normal 3 year old issues. I didn't believe that what she was experiencing could be 'normal', so off we went to another doctor who views constipation quiet seriously and prescribed for her a week of milk of magnesia, in order to clear out her system. And them 8-9 months of twice daily doses of mirilax in order to allow her system to heal and become regular. So we gave her, her 1st dose of the milk of magnesia before bed as instructed. Yesterday morning she woke up and everything was normal till about 8am when she told me she had to go poo. So off she runs to the bathroom to do her thing. Minutes later she is yelling in a paniced voice "Mom! Mom, come help". The poor little thing had made it to the toilet and was pulling down her undies when apparently she couldn't control it anymore and out flowed massive amounts of liquid poo. Ahh the thrills of being a mom. I put a diaper on her after that- Thank goodness she fits in her baby brothers diaper, which she did not like since "Big girls wear undies, babies wear diapers. I'm a big girl." But we ended up having about 7 more episodes like that over the course of the day. I guess I can say that the medicine is certainly doing its job. Tomorrow we will do a quick dash to the store in order to buy more wipes, which we are going through like crazy and hopefully we will have an uneventful time out of the house. Either way I will have my diaper bag fully stocked with lots of extra clothes.